We are excited to share some fantastic news! Our very own PJ Haarsma, the Emmy-winning producer and founder of RedBear Films, has been appointed to the esteemed National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership Council! As the nation's oldest advocacy organization exclusively representing small businesses, the NSBA is a powerful voice in Washington, D.C., and we couldn't be prouder to be a part of it.

PJ started RedBear Films in the late '90s along with his incredible wife, Marisa Grieco. What began as a commercial production venture has blossomed into a full-fledged digital agency, thanks to the tireless efforts of our amazing team, including Drew Lewis and Paul Chastain. Today, we are so proud to see PJ stepping into this pivotal role to represent small businesses at the national level.

PJ has always emphasized the importance of small businesses being actively involved in shaping policies that affect them. "Joining the NSBA Leadership Council is a phenomenal opportunity to take our collective message straight to the heart of American policy-making—Congress,” says PJ.

Redbear NSBA

He is committed to addressing key issues that impact us all—from tax reform to health care costs, regulatory challenges, and access to capital. NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken welcomed PJ, saying,

"He comes highly recommended, and we look forward to a fruitful collaboration." Well, the feeling is mutual, Todd! We can't wait to see how this partnership will help to shape a better landscape for small businesses everywhere.

This appointment underscores our commitment at RedBear Films to not just create compelling digital narratives but also to be a voice for small businesses. We’re dedicated to ensuring that companies like ours have a seat at the table when key policies are being discussed and decided.

Here’s to PJ, the NSBA, and a future full of promising opportunities for small businesses across the nation!

Cheers! The RedBear Team

See the full article here.

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